Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pinkberry Opening Day and a Series of Unfortunate Events

Thursday October 6, 2011 was the day of all days. After months of anticipation, Pinkberry had it's grand opening. Naturally, upon discovering this gem of knowledge, we made plans to get there immediately. Luckily, we only work one town over from each other so coordinating this was only slightly toilsome. Mandy got out of work at 2, so Lauren just took a late lunch. Lauren works closer to Pinkberry, and therefore got there first. The line was out the door, so we started texting to coordinate the best plan of action.

Mandy: I'm about to leave work now, but the fricking UPS guy just got here and I'm trapped in the parking lot! And he's taking his sweet ass time too!

Lauren: NO!! Tell me when you're almost here, and I'll get in line.

Mandy: I'm pulling out!
Umm, that came out wrong.

Lauren: Hahshahaha!
I just got a free sample

Mandy: Omg! You're experiencing it before me!!

Lauren: Sorry. This is what happens when the UPS guy screws you.
Umm, that also came out wrong.

Lauren got a place in line, and helpfully texted Mandy to let her know where to find her.

Lauren: I'm at the door, next to the giant purple lady.

Once Mandy had located Lauren behind said landmark, we talked about rabies and the size of the human bladder, the usual stuff. 

If you don't know what Pinkberry is, please go to their website so you aren't lost (linked several times here). 

Mandy has a slight anxiety about ordering from new places. Since Pinkberry is a celebrity hot spot in Hollywood, and Lauren is an expert in celebrity happenings, she could assure Mandy that it was a serve yourself kind of place so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Well, Lauren was wrong. It was not self serve at all.

Lauren: Well I guess this one isn't self serve.

Mandy: See! There is a reason to be nervous!

Lauren: Well, all the ones I've seen have been self serve.

Mandy: And by that do you mean all the one's you've seen in tabloids?

Lauren: Of course, where else would I have seen a Pinkberry?

Mandy: I hope we get in the tabloids with our Pinkberry today!

We got to the front of the line, and were assaulted by dozens of toppings . Mandy went through 17 different possible combinations of frozen yogurt and toppings in 2 minutes time. She tried to make lists and power point presentations to help decide, but was still overwhelmed with the choices. Lauren decided to wing it when she got up there. 

Lauren went first to give Mandy maximum decision making time. Mandy went up confident with the final creation made in her mind, just to be told within seconds that her main topping (bananas) were not readily available. The idea of having to wait for them to cut another banana with a giant purple lady breathing down her neck was unbearable. Frenzied, she was forced to change her whole game plan. This is what we ended up with:

Lauren: Half Chocolate and Half Watermelon frozen yogurt with Strawberries, Chocolate shavings, and Cap'n Crunch (for added whimsy).

Mandy: Half Chocolate and Half Coconut frozen yogurt with Kiwi, Raspberries, Chocolate shavings, and Oreo cookie pieces.

We made our way out of the shop, and found a bench to sit and eat our frozen treats. Lauren explained the debacle that occurred at the cash register as she had been paying at Pinkberry. Mandy had noticed some sort of complication, but was too sweaty from the topping mishap to absorb what was happening. Apparently, the girl just didn't have enough dollar bills to give Lauren for her change, and had to give her 1 dollar in quarters. It's really not that big of a deal, but the girl had acted as though she had just slaughtered Lauren's family, burned her house to the ground, and slashed her tires for good measure. We later realized that the girl DID forget to give Lauren a Pinkberry rewards card that would allow her to get a free small frozen yogurt after buying 10. Obviously, this was a much greater offense.

Things got weird shortly after we sat down in front of "A Proper Smoke" (looking back on this, we could've chosen a better store to chat in front of. We have many vices, but smoking is not one of them). Out of nowhere, a man dressed in various shades of cheetah prints aimed a camera at us and pretended (we hope he was pretending) to take pictures of us. He spoke in an island dialect that was hard to understand, but we caught the following few words; "Nobody told me there would be models ready for me...oh yes...I come from Victoria Secret...beautiful...haha...." We said nothing, because the shock rendered us silent. Mandy was in full slob mode having just come from work in her scrubs with no make up, and likely smelling of cats. Lauren was at least dressed in her hobo chic best, but neither of us were Victoria Secret material by any standard. Guess you have to be careful what you wish for when you say you hope to be in the tabloids with your Pinkberry.

We had just recovered from the previous incident, when what do our wondering eyes does appear? The UPS guy who held Mandy hostage at work when she was trying to get to Pinkberry in the first place! Before she could attack, an altercation broke out across the street between an old man wearing a track suit and a muscular trainer with dreadlocks. It was at that moment that we decided to never enter the shopping center ever again before 5pm. It's a bad scene in the day time. 

Overall, it was still a good day. We were able to enjoy the excitement of opening day to our state's second Pinkberry location. We both liked it a lot, and will be revisiting many times to consume endless combinations of frozen yogurt and toppings. The shop is full of bright, fun colors and energetic staff. They encourage you to try a sample of any of their six flavors of frozen yogurt (Original, Watermelon, Chocolate, Pomegranate, Mango, or Coconut were there that day), and you can have as many toppings as can physically fit in your cup! Doesn't get much better than that in the way of frozen deliciousness! Do yourself a favor, and get to a Pinkberry near you soon!