Monday, September 26, 2011


Welcome to Tea Leif. A new blog that is completely satirical and nonsensical.

We are Mandy and Lauren, and we decided that our conversations should be documented for further study when "science" needs something else to do. I'm sure "science" gets bored occasionally. So we have started this blog basically for our own amusement, but we hope other people will read it too.

Since Mandy majored in biology, we know that we have no hope of being studied without giving science a reason to do so. We decided to help potential researchers out by providing them with an objective. The purpose of this blog is to give the outside world a look at what goes on inside the heads of 2 socially awkward, possibly mentally challenged, wildly judgmental, 20-something girls. Why would anyone care, you ask? Well, we hope that our contributions may lead to the discovery of awesomeness being made into pill form. We then hope this discovery leads to the pill being made into a gummy vitamin, because lets face it, you don't get more awesome than adult gummy vitamins.

If you've stumbled upon this blog, we realize it's probably because we asked you to come support us. If that's you, thanks for being our friend. You shall be safe from our acerbic wit this day. But just this day. If you happen to be our friend, you know that you won't stay safe for long. If you're a stranger, welcome to you as well! Please be advised that sometimes we may say things that make no sense. Just know it's not you, it's us. And that's not a line, we fully expect you to be confused at least part of the time. Even we are confused part of the time. We may also say things you don't think are funny. In those instances, it's you. We are hilarious.

We hope you come back to read us again sometime! This blog will not follow any kind of routine in terms of posting. Absolutely nothing in our lives is orderly, so you can't expect this to be. We'll post spontaneously, because that's what we do. So thanks for giving us a chance, and trust us when we tell you that we'd be doing this universe a huge disservice if we didn't publish our crazy antics.

Until next time!

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